Papadoom Kitchen – Paris, France

Papadoom Kitchen – Paris, France

I know my experience at Papadoom Kitchen is going to be unlike anyone else’s, except for the few other tables dining with us that night.  It’s not because of the food, but rather because I happened to be in Paris when France won the semi-finals to go to The World Cup.  Not only that, but Papadoom Kitchen is situated on Rue Montmartre, the epicenter of pubs if you ask me and on Wednesday, July 11th, every pub/bar turned their big screen tv’s toward the street so everyone could enjoy a view and the locals went WILD!!! I mean lighting flares and jumping on top of buses wild.  It was a little distracting to our meal but entertaining to say the least and fun to be a part of.

Ok – now onto the food and restaurant – stunning, unique, satisfying, perfect!  I love Indian food and just don’t eat it enough.  We had a hard time narrowing down our decisions but went with our gut and LOVED every dish we ordered.

The decor was equally as impressive.  I took advantage of the fact that 99% of Parisians were in the streets watching the game and explored the restaurant myself.  Beautiful!



Veg’ Channa Massala and Palak


Garlic Naan


Gambas Adarak


Chicken Byriani


Tandoori Ghobi

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